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lojka meda



24 Nov 2020

Autumn, it's Autumn 2020. The day when the nucleus park is collected - means the autumn is here!

Everything is sent for processing (frames) disinfection (nucleus-houses for flying around queen bees)

It's a little sad that only multi-colored elements remind us of the bright summer!

Summer 2020, you turned out to be mega - difficult, in all your manifestations, but you taught us, despite the difficulties, to crawl further, somewhere to kneel, somewhere even to walk with our heads held high!

You left us without trips abroad, exhibitions, work meetings and advanced training (I don’t even want to start talking about the sea and travel)

But it was proven that the borders are only physical, and on the maps, the rule of 7 handshakes works, this summer we communicated with beekeepers online with live broadcasts from Italy, Crimea, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, England, Germany, Austria.

The gifts that had been sent back in March for the birthday were a pleasant reminder of our people, and this summer reached the destination, shabby and so dear, so we beekeepers support each other at a distance, winking: "Hey, friend, don't be depressed, smile! "

And such dear friends, beekeepers, were sharing different materials, someone recommended trying products that their company distributes, someone with strawberries, someone transferred money to the bank account, with the message: "Buy yourself flowers, thanks for the good material."!

Summer 2020 is when your students share their successes in beekeeping, and you are proud of them!

Here is what happened during this unusual summer of 2020!

And, maybe, I had just one occasion to wear a dress and high-heels - for my mom’s birthday anniversary.

But still, I have matured ...

I hug all my friends and relatives, take care of yourself!

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